One Month With Glory and Zoe | Raleigh Mom

It’s been one month since we met our little lady loves in person. CharMarie Photography worked her magic and gave us the opportunity to document this new chapter of our lives as we transition from a family of three to a family of five! I’m so glad I booked a newborn photographer all those months ago.

We brought Zoe home on November 23 and Glory stayed in the NICU until November 29. It was heartbreaking to be wheeled down the halls of the hospital toward the exit, knowing that I was leaving one of my babies upstairs by herself. I’m so grateful that our time apart was short, but my heart goes out to all the other NICU mamas who have had to endure any amount of time separated from their children. It’s a pain I didn’t understand until it happened to me. I felt an indescribable amount of peace when all my babies were home under one roof. So many of you followed our journey on social media throughout my pregnancy and watched the updates throughout Glory’s stay in the NICU. It was such a blessing to have your supporting and praying with us.

Glory spent 13 days in the NICU, getting stronger and growing to prepare her for life outside of the hospital. Now, we get a chance to learn her rhythms and cries and movements. I’m pretty sure I wore her on my chest a full 24 hours straight when I first brought her home.

Glory Niya, you were created to make God’s name glorious, and your life will be a testament to how GOOD He is — even when circumstances don’t go our way or when things are uncertain. He is faithful — always. May you carry this truth with you for all of your days and learn to trust in the God who holds you even when I can’t. Mommy loves you, and you are stronger than you know.

Zoe is our third (and final) Russell sprout, and it’s so funny how many of her mannerisms from the womb are showing up in her preferences and movements outside. For several ultrasounds, she refused to show her face, hiding behind her hands or burying her head facing my spine. These days, she doesn’t let her hands leave her face and she loves to bury her head in my chest.

Zoe girl, we can already see signs that you’re a girl who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to ask (or cry) for it. Your name means Life and my prayer for you is that God gets all the glory out of yours. May you learn to run after God’s will for your life and pursue it as your own. You are so loved and can accomplish everything He has set out for you to do.