Raleigh Wedding and Family Photographer

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Six Months With Glory and Zoe

It’s so crazy to think that we’ve had 6 months with these two. Glory is our guzzler. She takes in 5-7 ounces in a sitting, and we can’t seem to figure out where it’s all going. She’s consistently been the taller of the two, so maybe that’s it Glory’s started doing this fun growling thing haha. It’s so funny because it just randomly started, but if you growl at her she’ll smile and growl back.

Zoe is our little adventurer. She’s rolling from back to front and front to back. While laying on her tummy, she can turn herself in a complete circle. Zoe loves to stand on your lap. If she feels the bottom of her little feet touch a flat surface, she stiffens her legs, grins in your face, and starts swinging her arms around. It’s the cutest little dance.

Both babies are pushing up like they’re about to launch. It feels like they’ll be crawling in no time. They’re still gnawing on their hands and grabbing onto anything they can get their little fingers on. We’ve seen them interact more this month than ever before. They often smile at each other, and Zoe constantly tries to grab Glory’s hand. Sometimes, Glory obliges.

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