Raleigh Wedding and Family Photographer

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Six Years, Eleven Months - With Autumn Noémi

I think it goes without saying that Autumn is enjoying her summer. I know the last post came like a week after school ended for her. I’ve been trying to balance productive and fun activities with her, and it’s been an interesting ride. I shared a couple of weeks back about the baked mac and cheese we made together. We’ve also made brownies and scrambled eggs. I’ve got a few other things I want to make with her, but I’m finding it difficult to photograph the process and still be very actively engaged in making it with her. So more often than not, I’ve been choosing to just be present.

We also have spent some time soaking up the sun in the neighborhood pool. Autumn always seems to make new friends, wherever she goes. It’s one of the many things I love about her. As a true summer baby, she loves being outdoors and doing anything water-related: spray grounds, water balloons, pools, etc

Our friends from church threw their oldest a birthday party earlier this month and Autumn had a blast there as well. There was a ton of water play and Autumn got a chance to tour a firetruck.

Autumn also experienced her first hotel stay and, unfortunately, her first funeral. A friend from college passed and we decided to travel out of state with the family to attend. Autumn’s level of excitement for her first hotel stay was hilarious. I let her jump on the bed. She used the little notepad and pen in the room to draw pictures, and she got a queen-sized bed to herself.

Next week, she’ll head out to spend a week with my in-laws, and she’s so excited. I can’t believe that this is the last post I’ll write in her With series before Autumn turns seven. I’ve only got a month left, and I’m still not ready.