Vision Church: COVID Safety

Almost a year ago, a global pandemic brought our lives to a screeching halt. Slowly but surely, we’ve found ways to gather safely in small numbers. For almost a year, we’ve been having online services for church and yesterday was my first day back to a Vision Church service since last March. So what is Vision doing to make sure that we all stay safe?


When you first open the door, you’ll be greeted by someone on our First Impressions team. They are masked and ready to take your temperature. From there, you can either decide to have her check you in or take advantage of the self-check-in stations, to help Vision monitor attendance. Attendance caps off at 65 now and you’re asked to register online to help track attendance.


On Sunday mornings, a team member wipes down the surfaces of the lobby, helps facilitate check in, and keeps track of attendance in the morning. You can also participate in self check in at one of the stations available. Once you’re checked in, you can choose a red, yellow, or green wristband, depending on your comfort level.


Families are seated together, and social distancing is observed. Registering to attend the service helps with this. Headcounts are taken every Sunday to ensure that attendance remains within the state guidelines.


You can also still participate in giving electronically, but even if you opt to attend in-house, don’t expect to pass the plate for tithes. The tithing box is located against the wall as you’re leaving the sanctuary.


There are also some safety decisions that were made behind the scenes. Those serving on Sunday mornings have individually wrapped snacks instead of the previous bagel and fruit station. There’s also a professional cleaning service which comes in to sanitize the space between services. Navigating this new normal has not been easy, but I’m grateful for the safety precautions in place to protect our families.


Want to register to attend a service? You can do that here! Thank you, Vision, for all that you’re doing to help slow the spread.